The Plan

Anyone who is in the eyes of the public always has to watch their figure. The camera really does add 10 lbs! So how do I do it? Keeping the weight off has always been a struggle, believe me. But I was determined to get back to the same size I was when I started my career at before my wedding. Boy did I try every diet on the market to get there. I started with The drop program which is basically the starvation diet where you take these liquid drops instead of eating real food so you don't get hungry. Was awful but I lost 8 lbs. Then I tried Kietos where you don't do carbs at all, really tough as you can imagine, but lost another 7lbs. I followed the Tone It Up girls and tried their meal plans and work out videos, actually loved them, easily lost another 5. Out of all those though I really enjpyed The Plan the best, it's basically reading a book to learn how to eat, not what to eat. You learn all about what is proactive for you vs. reactive. Now I live that life style and I am able to keep it all off. No more silly up and down yo yo dieting or starving my self before shoots so I don't look bloated. I just eat right for my body type and life is good! So is food!